Thursday, April 29, 2010

Zhou Xuan's Chinese Oldies: Liang Tiao Lu Shang (Two streets)

只看见行人 只看见车辆
我带着跳跃的心 慌慌张张的向前闯
在晚上走的 一条路上
只看见灯光 只看见月亮
我带着空虚的心 冷冷清清的向前望
那 条路又太紧张


Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Poem in Chinese

Thursday, April 22, 2010

盯着笨鳥来看的人 (荒缪小小说)


半年后,他病情惡化。竟然在家里築起一个大鳥籠,把自己囚在里面。家人看不下去,叫心理医生上门会诊。大夫看了他之後,大搖其头。不妙不妙。医生说。由于他一直在看着他的笨鳥,不幸被该愚笨的鸟感染到;同时整日只和笨鳥接处,忽略了周遭的人与事,最终只看見自己。於是建起自己的世界,终日自以为是,天下一切,唯我独尊! 医生奈心的和他的家人解释。

我们以为您给的药,不是很有效嗎? 他的家人问医生。应该是可以控制的呀。医生说。你们不会给他其他的刺激吧? 医生问。没甚么特别呀,只是买了本書给他打發時间罢了。什么书? 医生紧張的问。就是那本暢销書:‘那班盯着羊来看的人‘,而且是翻译本呀。家人说。唉呀,这就糟了。医生急着说。他可能就是被它的内容控制着了。医生这时己满头大汗。这書内,有隻心魔呵!医生喊着说。那我们该怎么辨? 医生想了一想,说:先把他的鳥心态治好再说吧。医生建議:找个著名的獸医来看他吧。我是医人的,无法治鳥病。


This short story is influenced by the following title. : )

Weilian's(伟联) unnamed song

Kelvin Tan Weilian is always a fascinating person to me. He could be visually impaired. But he tries his best to have a life as normal as us. Whenever I heard of his singing, I used to get emotional. Maybe this is why he gets his popularity so easily. He is talented in interpreting feelings and emotion through his singing.

I found this new song from YouTube, he has given it a name yet. Just share it here with all of my friends.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lovely color in the morning sun

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beautiful and fruitful Sunday Outing

This Sunday morning the weather was extremely sunny, the color temperature was good to take photos. I packed up all my photo gears and went to Japanese Gardens. To my surprise, I only spent less than 2 and a half hours, and gotten quite a few satisfying shots.

I share my captured shots here. Comments are welcome.

Friday, April 02, 2010


This is a Chinese oldies, popular in the 60s.