Sunday, May 30, 2010

Those days in Buona Vista Secondary School

I taught in Buona Vista Secondary School as an art teacher for more than 15 years. It was a memorable time for me, as I had lots of committed students. They loved art, and performed well. We used to work in the Art Room until sun down. We paint, draw and create art works for leisure purpose when we finished the assigned projects.

Students found out my birthday through the school admin and celebrated my birthday at my place. This photograph was taken during one of the birthday celebrations. Sad thing is, someone in this photo is no more with us. She has completed her life journey very much sooner than us. Some of this students still contact me these days, they are all in their forties now. Time really flies.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Vesak Day 2010!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Sunda Woodpecker

A pair of Sunda Woodpecker were nesting on a dry branch outside of my office. My colleague Daniel noticed them and inform me. I packed my photographic equipment and set up the shot. The results are partially displayed here. As I do not have pro lenses, I used 2 tele converters with a 70-300mm zoom to take some of these shots. Therefore, they were not pin sharp. Worst of all, with the tele converters, the auto focus function of the lens was disabled. I got to use manual focusing. Hope the viewers here could understand all these handicaps.

Sunda Woodpecker is one of the common woodpecker resident in Singapore. But this is the first time I witnessed them, furthermore, when they are nesting. It is something that I am very pleased in my shooting adventure. There is very little information on this type of woodpecker on the Web. I welcome bird specialists to enlighten me on this bird's behavior, habitat, eating habit and so on. Comments are welcome.

This is the sharpest shot displayed here. : )

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

From a Chinese Poem

一上高楼万里愁 蒹葭杨柳似汀洲

  溪云初起日沉阁 山雨欲来风满楼

  鸟下绿芜秦苑夕 蝉鸣黄叶汉宫秋

  行人莫问当年事 故国东来渭水流


