The Snake People Sometimes, ancient Chinese wisdom is really very fascinating. Look at the zodiac signs, there are the pig, snake, dog, etc.
Come to think about it, in some cases, it is related to people's character. Take myself for example, I am under the zodiac sign of Pig. For many years, whether in my working life or leisure activities, I have done lots of 'Pig' jobs. That is, silly and stupid works. Works that sacrificing your own time, own expenses, own brain juice and most importantly, your own youth; and get back all the back stepping, insults and humiliations. It is just as stupid as a Pig!
On the other hand, there are lots of Snake people around us too! These people dress like decent fellows, with tie on, shinning shoes and mounted with a sweet forked tongue. For motive only known to himself, he would praise you better than his own God, polish your shoes as bright as possible and tell you he would be your servant to lick your toes; he just do these for one purpose: To get what he wants! When things developed in the way that not to his desire, these people would flip his face, as if gotten the secret trade from SiChuan: Bian Lian (Face Changing Trick). Immediately, they will coil into its real form: An ugly serpent! Then, started to bite you with no good reason; tarnish you with all the harmful words, abolish all your credits, load you with all the faults, and shoot you down with no mercy; then go to the place of worship and repent! These are the typical characters of Snake People. Friends, have you met people similar to this kind. If not, you are a lucky person, and try not to meet up with one. They only could make your life full of anger. Because these people like to play God in front of the public!
Ah! By few more days, the year of Pig will be arriving. Hopefully, people like me, the Pig people would have a better year ahead.
Please do not look down to Pig people; the Cantonese has a saying: Pretend yourself as a Pig, and you could trap and eat up a tiger slowly. All creatures big or small, they do have their mighty side; only ignorant people do not recognize it.
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