Following the Dream
Recently viewed a DVD entitled 'Following the Dream'. It is a Chinese cultural show performed by the disable. After watching the show, it gives me very great impact. Tears swell in my eyes, when I heard the wheelchaired singer sang "Zhang Sheng Xiang Qi" (When the applause started). I could feel these performers' great detemination and courage. They showed the world that they do not have the right to be pessimistic, they could not afford failure! They strike for perfection and grace. They believe in self-help, rather to depend help from other.
These performers, some of them are blind, crippled, semi-retarded, deaf, etc. But they live with dignity, pride and self confidence. Look back to our own surrounding, we are all born perfect, but there are many of us who lives like a sucker, who behave like an animal, who looks like a wolf wearing sheep skin. What is the matter with these people! If we compare these honourable disables with them, we really feel very shameful of these scumbags and garbages.
There are people who face hurdles in life, and will just turn around and do not face it. They set goals, but never reached. They make plans but never realised. Because they give up easily. They do not believe they could do it. They like to find short cuts. They want instant success. They must have forgotten a phase: NO PAIN, NO GAIN. At the end of the road, these people most properly will be pieces of drift wood, just flow through the stream of time and fade away without a trace!
I salute the performers in that DVD's cultural show. They given us strength to look forward when things are not to our desires. They demonstrated what will could make a person different from others. They are the real heroes in life!