Monday, July 14, 2008

What's the big deal?

Recently, some young friends suffered from this 'Boy Girl Relationship'. I could see them totally lost in their own life.

I have gone through this sort of emotional trauma, I believed most of the full grown matured adults did so. At that moment, we thought the world is fallen apart, everything seems to be doomed. Unfortunately, in our later life, as we looked back, we might laugh at what we were doing then.

In the animal kingdom, I think only human beings are tormented by this thing called 'Emotion'. The great writers have further illustrated it in their great works. Youngsters dream about it, fantasy about it, and finally destroy by it, if they do not handle their emotions carefully.

Love is like a sword, it could help you to fight the enemy, but it could also cut you if you are not careful enough.

To me, all feelings are in the state of mind. Nothing is real, nothing is permanent. To let something that is so vague and ruin you own life, that would be disastrous. Break up from a girl friend / boy friend is not the end of the world. You may get another person who walks into your life at a later stage, and provide you lots of joy and happiness. Brooding in all the negative moods and look at the world with all the greys in your eyes, may not make you any better. The wise way is walked away from it, let it fades gradually, and look forward for another exciting new day, and continue your path of life. This would be more meaningful in one's life. Right?

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